Adam Dębowski – born on August 21, 1938 in Wilczkowice near Łęczyca.
Currently he lives in Piątek in the province. Płockie.
He has been carving since childhood. He started by planing the birds.
At the age of 18, he for the first time took part in a folk art competition organized at the Cultural Center in Łęczyca (1957).
Andrzej Dębowski’s figurative sculptures revolve around several themes.
These will be figures of saints, village figures, figures from folk demonology and legends, sometimes historical figures.
He prefers to sculpt single figures of shepherd children, village women in costumes, peasants doing some farm work, ritual scenes, but these compositions usually consist of several separately carved figures. Sometimes he tries to transfer such a scene to a bas-relief.
TheTitmouse .
Height 20 cm.
Width 9 cm.
Material: Wood